Hello! I started this substack last year while I was off of work for the longest I had ever not worked. It was glorious. Highly recommend if you can do it. But change is hard, so I replaced the paid labor I usually do (journalisms) with this, more fun (but unpaid) labor. Soon, like many substackers before me, I realized that this was actually a lot of work, especially since I had decided to make it an interview format. It was great fun talking to friends about what they were obsessed with, but it required transcription and fact-checking and was essentially just my day job. So it fell by the wayside.
But in this new year I have decided to take Aaliyah’s advice and try again, but this time in an easier format: just me, writing a short dumb thing about something I can’t stop thinking about that week (month). Newsletters are the new blogs, so they say. Or maybe this is just my version of Live Journal. I never got into that in the 00s, so I guess I’m making up for lost time. Also dropping the original title bc it has far too much of a Matrix/Q connotation for my taste.
So if you’re interested in whatever thing my brain is doing sometimes, then feel free to tune in. If not, I get it. No one needs another millennial spewing self-conscious half thoughts into their inbox. Also, I’m barely gonna edit. Just warning you.
The first one will be about empaths.